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Whatever Works

Comedy Woody Allen returns to New York with an offbeat comedy about a crotchety misanthrope (Larry David) and a naïve, impressionable young runaway from the south (Evan Rachel Wood). When her uptight parents, arrive to rescue her, they are quickly drawn into wildly unexpected romantic entanglements. Everyone discovers that finding love is just a combination of lucky chance and appreciating the value of Whatever Works.
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  • 04/4/2012
    ¡Dos mecos en toda la piñata! Awful
    Es una cosa con pellejo y gafas que se mete con todo el mundo y nadie le pega. Básicamente es esto lo que le ha salido a Woody Allen aunque su propósito fuera otro. La monserga va de un espantapájaros ... Read full review
    by: Siette
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