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Mexico Mexico · Ciudad de México
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The Simpsons (TV Series)
1989 United States
Matt Groening (Creator), Sam Simon (Creator) ...
TV Series. Animation. Comedy TV Series (1989-Today). 34 Seasons. The Simpsons started out in the Tracy Ullman Show on the 19th April 1987, as shorts, and then, worked it's way up, to become as full length episodes, (First one in the 17th December 1989,) and now won multiple Emmys, was voted by TIME magazine,"the best TV show of the 20th century", broke two records of the longest prime-time show, and most guest celebrities, 280, and is loved by people of all ages!
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  • es
April 29, 2020
2 of 3 users found this review helpful
Los Simpson ha sido y siempre será la serie que más ha influido en nuestros días,los Simpson combinan ala perfección el humor y el valor social solo tenemos que mirar un capítulo y analizarlo para darnos cuenta del valor que esconde el episodio,es algo muy evidente y alo largo de la serie nos han mostrado diferentes valores sociales,lo que resaltan a los Simpson son las modificaciones que ha recibido la serie alo largo de los años pero siempre conservando el humor característico de la serie.
Una sátira social perfecta.
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