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What About Bob?

Comedy Bob Wiley is a neurotic man, who has a habit of clinging onto his therapists. His last one not being able to deal with him sends him to Leo Marvin. After having just one session, Bob thinks the world of Dr. Marvin. However, the doctor's leaving to spend the rest of the summer with his family, which throws Bob into utter despair. He calls the doctor constantly demanding to see him but the doctor says he is on vacation and cuts Bob off. ... [+]
Fer Yagami: favorite reviews of What About Bob?
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  • 06/9/2020
    Imprescindible Excellent
    Podría decirse que “Qué pasa con Bob”, es una de mis comedias favoritas en la corta lista de películas de humor que yo consideraría “buenas”. El ritmo constante y guión acertado, aderezados por la ... Read full review
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